Veterinarian Service
Pet Microchipping
If your pet gets lost, a microchip can help them find their way home. A microchip is available at North Phoenix Animal Clinic (includes lifetime registration) for $55.00
Pet Microchipping in Phoenix, AZ
Why should you microchip your pet?
How is the pet microchipped?
In order to protect it from damage or removal, the microchip is housed inside a needle and inserted between the shoulder blades. Your pet is safe and secure once the microchip is implanted because it remains there permanently. Any veterinarian will be able to locate the microchip using a handheld scanner if your pet ever needs to be identified (for example, if it has run off and been found by the authorities).
Veterinary Services in Phoenix, AZ
Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at North Phoenix Animal Clinic. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.